Walid Abed – Creating A Platform For Sustainable Corporate Governance
- Category: Cover Story
“In the ever-evolving world of business, visionary leaders are playing a pivotal role in reshaping the future in 2023. These dynamic individuals are embracing innovation, sustainability, and digitalization to lead their organizations and industries into uncharted territory. They are at the forefront of adapting to changing consumer preferences, emerging technologies, and global challenges.
In this article, we’ll explore how these forward-thinking business leaders are not only navigating the complexities of today’s business landscape but also influencing and defining the course of tomorrow, setting new benchmarks for success along the way.
In a conversation with Mr. Business, Walid Abed talks about his illustrious journey. Let us uncover his success story.
Tell us about your experience working for the company. What motivated you to found it Walid Abed ?
The Semantic Meta Model (SMM) (Meta Modèle Sémantique – MMS) is a novel model that I, a French linguist and computer scientist, proposed. I founded and currently lead Global Data Excellence. I have 30 years of real-world experience in a variety of fields and am a recognised expert and visionary in the fields of AI and data.
Communication between the machine and the person was extremely challenging. Being a multiracial person has made me aware that language communication presents a big challenge. Language proficiency was required.
I needed to be able to comprehend both human and computer language in order to create a communication between them. When I first entered the corporate world, I discovered that value was at the centre of everything. Value is uncertain, though. Value has both qualitative and quantitative connotations. There are economic systems that lean to the left, favouring qualitative value, and others that lean to the right, favouring economic value, because these two meanings overlap.
I therefore intended to develop a system of governance that can function in accordance with the two values phases.
Rights, ethics, norms, rules, and regulations are included in the first phase.
Money, which reflects value, is the second phase.
Humans cannot connect the dots between rules, facts, and value because it is too complex. Every level results in a loss of meaning, therefore I made the decision to tie everything together and establish a governance structure based on everyone’s language and context, with a verbatim, to remove any room for misunderstanding. Because the data is fragmented, only an AI can neutrally calculate the context and anticipate. There is data everywhere, and it can be difficult to tell whether data is reliable. History, statistics, and past transactions do not accurately predict the future as we approach a paradigm change.
Only linguistic and semantic AI can solve this equation and dilemma because all other AIs do not take into account context, value, or rules on previous transactions that have no bearing on current transactions. We must invent the future if we wish to enter it.
What were the first difficulties you encountered, and why has the business been so successful for so long Walid Abed ?
The complex interactions of the digital world pose new problems for data governance and, more broadly, for the digital enterprise, making it challenging for humans and machines to communicate with one another. The knowledge needed for human engagement in value creation is disseminated among systems, which are in turn non-normalized, compartmentalised, and inconsistent, and is fractured and scattered. Additionally, it is impossible to connect the knowledge and link it to be used intelligently for the organisational value outcome due to the language challenge inherent in the organisational complexity of the ecosystems of humans and machines, as well as the tsunami of regulation and data.
There are numerous platforms and options. However, as evidenced by Big Data Analytics, IBM Watson, Palantir, and other artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, most of these, if not all, are isolated from knowledge and human wisdom and ignore social settings. This type of artificial intelligence (AI) (machine learning, analytics, and statistics-driven) allows us to roughly understand the world we created and, through extrapolation, can project us into potential futures with probabilistic predictions, but it does not allow for a genuine constructive and transparent human-machine dialogue. A global, systematic, and prescriptive data-driven governance is now required in the complex and rapidly changing settings of today in order to execute and proactively operationalise company objectives and value creation.
Organisational complexity and cost issues are resolved as a result of GDE. Value increases faster. There are no longer isolated and impulsive choices that waste a lot of time, money, and trust. Due to DEMS-NIXUS’ integration of semantics, there is no loss of translation. As data remain at the source, there is no need for data integration, guaranteeing privacy. Respect is shown for ownership, ethics, and human rights.
What goods or services does the business prioritise? How do your services differ from those offered by competitors Walid Abed ?
Data Excellence Management System-Natural Intelligence eXpanded Universe System (DEMS-NIXUS), our solution, is an integrated and multilingual web-based solution (on-premise or in the cloud) that enables contemporary organisations to establish a cogent governance environment capable of aligning and governing all business units. DEMS-NIXUS integrates semantic and linguistic artificial intelligence to convert business rules from human language to machine language.
Without human assistance, the AI can rapidly integrate the current infrastructure, all databases, and their senses while respecting data ownership and leaving the sources of the data alone.
It is a multilingual system that uses natural language to query databases. DEMS-NIXUS combines linguistics with ChatGPT, Wolfram ALPHA, and other AI systems. Additionally, it connects to any public or private data source, social networks, and analyses and decrypts over 1000 different file formats.
For automatic Data Integration, Data Cleansing, Business Intelligence, Data Governance, and Data Sharing in any IT context, DEMS-Nixus provides the whole solution. DEMS-NIXUS pools resources and expands on the significant investments that businesses have already made. Additionally, it forces an objective, value-driven cooperation that involves end users at all levels in the process of creating value.
A bespoke, integrated management and governance framework is supported by this web-based application, empowering the company’s partners, employees, and shareholders. It creates responsibility and accountability across the entire organisational hierarchy. To prescriptively regulate and sustain corporate strategies, DEMS-NIXUS accurately links the data asset to the value flows. When completely implemented, DEMS-NIXUS gives the organisation a unified work structure and a governance framework that, for the first time ever, synchronises data, policies, and business transactions.
Organisational complexity and cost issues are resolved as a result of GDE. Value increases faster. There are no longer isolated and impulsive choices that waste a lot of time, money, and trust. Due to DEMS-NIXUS’ integration of semantics, there is no loss of translation. As data remain at the source, there is no need for data integration, guaranteeing privacy. Respect is shown for ownership, ethics, and human rights.
What goods or services does the business prioritise? How do your services differ from those offered by competitors Walid Abed ?
Additionally, DEMS-NIXUS incorporates DeCRIPT, which uses the semantic meta-model to analyse textual data (private or public data – emails, social networks, files…) in accordance with business goals. In contrast to the 20% of structured data (in databases) that is not automatically exploited, textual data makes up around 80% of the data of a corporation. The data collected from the words automatically enhances the already-structured material to give it a more current perspective. The outcome of this analysis is recorded in the database and can be utilised to enhance its meaning. This outcome can be asked for in plain language after being stored in the database.
The use of DEMS-NIXUS expedites your organization’s ability to maximise the commercial potential of corporate data while lowering operational costs. Your teams are empowered to spread a “govern by value” culture throughout your company in less than a year.
The distinctive feature of DEMS-NIXUS is its Dynamic and Prescriptive Governance Model, a top-down management strategy fueled by a methodical valorization of the company data asset and proactive control over ongoing and upcoming business transactions and goals. Using this model, company leaders and managers may predict how non-compliant data assets will affect overall business value and can then modify resource allocation to maximise ongoing and future business operations.
In the end, DEMS-NIXUS gives business executives the ability to foresee how policy variations may affect the business value. It enables the business to concentrate solely on the goals at hand and the most effective means of getting there.
How do you make the decision to expand the business Walid Abed ?
Walid Abed By working with a diverse ecosystem that includes clients, partners, organisations, academic institutions, the European Commission, ECCMA, INTERREG, and consortiums for INNOSUISSE, our organisation is able to stay up with the times and trends as they change. We are always engaged in R&D. We also engage in a variety of unique initiatives.
As a successful CEO, please provide your thoughts on the present business climate worldwide in the wake of the CoVD19 pandemic.
The world has amply demonstrated how compartmentalised our current systems are and how little cooperation is feasible between them. The COVID-19 pandemic’s aftermath has only served to highlight this problem. After the epidemic, the world’s regulations have gotten even more disjointed, with conflicting actions and reactions popping up all around. As a result, for enterprises navigating the post-pandemic world, operationalizing even basic demands without effective cooperation continues to be a considerable difficulty.
By operating a state that is connected and coordinated by artificial intelligence, cooperating closely with people, and taking into account the entire ecosystem, our aim with DEMS is to overcome these difficulties. The COVID-19 pandemic’s lessons emphasise the value of data-driven decision-making, constant communication, and resolving challenges with languages, data integration, and knowledge dispersion, especially in a world that has been severely affected by a worldwide disaster.
In the wake of a catastrophe like COVID-19, when correct and current information is essential for firms to adjust and recover, we firmly think that knowledge should be available to everyone and regulated in a transparent manner.
This dedication stands in contrast to corporations like Google, which primarily serve as search engines or personal libraries and may occasionally struggle to deliver the timely and context-specific knowledge enterprises need to succeed in the post-pandemic period.
We still want to connect people, connect them to nature, and contextualise information based on the language and context of each user. We acknowledge that COVID-19’s aftermath has increased the need for flexible and responsive information systems to handle the particular problems that organisations and people face in the developing post-pandemic world.
Why is it asserted that every business’ growth depends critically on its workforce? Tell us a little bit about your team Walid Abed .
The lifeblood of any firm is its workforce. Their enthusiasm, commitment, and teamwork are what fuel the expansion and achievement of your GDE. AI, linguistics, and computer science experts with more than 20 years of expertise are part of the GDE team. In order to make the system dynamic and enable instantaneous learning of any standards or framework, we also collaborate closely with the University of Law of Fribourg for the GDPR, the ECCMA for the ISO 8000 data quality standard, the European Commission, institutions, and academies.
Please provide us a brief overview of your professional background Walid Abed .
The Semantic Meta Model (SMM) (Meta Modèle Sémantique – MMS) is a new model that was proposed by Dr. Walid el Abed, a French linguist and computer scientist. On September 20, 1968, he was born. He established Global Data Excellence and serves as its CEO. Walid Abed has 30 years of practical expertise in a variety of fields and is a recognised expert and visionary in the fields of AI and data.
Walid Abed began his work in the automotive sector in 1995, then transitioned to the IT industry in 1998, and finally to the financial and business consultancy industry in 2001.
After serving in a variety of capacities for significant financial, manufacturing, and governmental organisations, Dr. el Abed joined the food and beverage sector at Nestlé headquarters as a Business Excellence Manager responsible for the group’s data strategy.
When the concept of a dialogue between humans and machines was still in its infancy, he developed Nixus (Natural Intelligence eXpanded Universe System), the first human-computer dialogue in natural language, in 1996.
Since 2000, Dr. Walid el Abed has developed and taught the Data Excellence discipline as a philosophical, economic, political, and organisational model at the Tesnière Centre with a focus on Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing at the University of Franche-Comté, as well as at the CNAM (Centre National des Arts et Métiers), Paris Dauphine University, and finally at the Fribourg University of Law.
He established Global Data Excellence (GDE) in 2007. Geneva is home to the Swiss ICT business GDE. The governance by value permitting everlasting excellence is a new discipline that underpins the entire GDE philosophy of sustainable business.
DEMS (the Data Excellence Management System), a software system with the ambition to elevate data to excellence and empower a data-driven society regulated by values or objectives, is the holistic framework that makes this revolutionary discipline possible.
Several data conferences have featured presentations by Dr. Walid el Abed. He is a founding member and board member of the French organisation Excellence, Quality, Information (EXQI), which brings together a number of scientists under the umbrella of the Data Excellence discipline. He also contributed to the development of the IAIDQ’s (International Association for Information and Data Quality) IQCP (Information Quality Certified Professional) accreditation.
The Scientific Society PEC “Perpetual Excellence Community,” a Swiss non-profit with its headquarters in Geneva, was founded by Dr. Walid el Abed. He has a number of articles and book chapters published.
What major accomplishments have you made in your business life Walid Abed ?
Customers include the 20 most prestigious corporations in the world more than 30 000 users, 3 000 managers & leaders worldwide race with DEMS towards continuous excellence over 50+ countries in almost every industry (Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Consumer Goods, Pharmaceuticals, Finance…).
DEMS allowed our clients to make 8 trillion € turnover and it is still growing every day
DEMS cleaned up approximatively 100K million € which correspond to only a small percentage of the world economy which can eradicate poverty and align all the SDGs
10 Out of the box semantic knowledge models and verbatim packages ready (ERP, HR, Person, Procurement, GDPR, CORPORATE DATA MODEL, SAP Master Data Model…)