Michael Wheaton: Crafting Excellence and Redefining the Digital Transformation

Michael Wheaton: Crafting Excellence Digital Transformation | Mr. Business Magazine

The sleek skyscrapers of New York City were my daily backdrop. “Fast-paced, demanding – it was everything a young PR professional could ask for,” he began, “except maybe a healthy work-life balance.”

However, a shift was brewing on the horizon. The dot-com boom had reached a fever pitch, and clients were clamoring for a service his firm wouldn’t offer – website development. “It was frustrating,” he admitted. “The potential was undeniable, a whole new frontier opening up.”

However, frustration wasn’t the only motivator, as he was also diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. “The city’s relentless energy,” he confessed, “started to take a toll. I needed a change, a slower pace to manage my health.”

Leaving the comfort of his established career, Michael Wheaton took a leap of faith. “February 2003, I incorporated Web Welder LLC,” he said. It was a gamble, a chance to combine his PR expertise with the burgeoning world of web development.

“There were challenges, of course,” he continued. “Learning a whole new skillset wasn’t easy, but it was invigorating. Most importantly, it allowed me to manage my health and stay actively involved in the veteran community I volunteer with.”

Michael Wheaton laid down his inspiring story before me (Mr. Business magazine) in a candid interview. His journey as the founder of Web Welder serves as a testament to his resilience and adaptability. “Leaving the security of my old job was scary, but sometimes, the biggest opportunities lie just beyond your comfort zone,” Michael admitted. His story wasn’t just about a career shift but seizing the chance to redefine success on his own terms, health, passion, and purpose aligned with his ambitious leadership.

Overview:Web Welder is immersed in brands, focused on strategy, and driven by results. A team of Strategic Thinkers, Content Creators, and Innovative Technologists are so fully integrated into the latest innovations and technology, that Digital is its native language.
Industry:Information Technology & Services
Founder:Mike Wheaton
Headquarters:Foxfield, Colorado
Specialties:Website Design, Social Media Marketing, Digital Marketing, Web Development, Content Development, Ad Development, Graphic Design, Digital Asset Management, Search Engine Optimization, Reputation Management, Branding, Corporate Dashboards, Consulting, Advertising, Hosting Services, Cyber Security, G-Suite Administration, Custom CRM Solutions, Media Relations, SaaS Development, Learning Management Systems, and Event Coordination
Michael Wheaton: Crafting Excellence Digital Transformation | Mr. Business Magazine

Seizing the Digital Wave 

Before 2003, Michael Wheaton was well-versed with traditional media and veteran service organizations. He held leadership positions like Director of Public Affairs for Paralyzed Veterans of America and CMO of Magnet Media.

However, Michael Wheaton recognized the potential of the digital age. This foresight led him to found Cosmic Cogs in 2003, a consultancy dedicated to empowering startups and non-profits. This project capitalized on his business consulting expertise and communications, enabling him to embrace the digital age.

The same year, he launched Web Welder, a digital marketing and development agency. This move solidified his commitment to the digital terrain, offering a comprehensive suite of services for clients across various industries.

Although, Michael Wheaton’s entrepreneurial spirit did not stop there. He then co-founded several other organizations, including Diner Designer, a restaurant marketing company, and Chow Down for Charity, a food-related non-profit.

Through his diverse ventures, Michael Wheaton has established himself as a leader who thrives at the intersection of established industries and emerging technologies. His journey is a story of vision, adaptation, and a relentless pursuit of opportunity.

Web Welder: Building Success, Together

As the Founder of Web Welder, Michael Wheaton has always considered his clients as partners. “Their success is our success. We partner with them to clearly define their objectives,” he adds. 

The company’s core principle is to develop genuine partnerships built on open communication and mutual trust.

Its process begins with a deep dive into understanding the client’s goals and objectives. Web Welder offers pre-packaged solutions with tailored services to align with the specific needs of enterprises. The company presents options that address the client’s current requirements and anticipate potential future demands.

However, its commitment doesn’t end with a proposal. It believes in encouraging a continuous dialogue throughout the entire development process. Web Welder works hand-in-hand, ensuring the final product meets the needs and embodies customer vision.

A Pit-stop for all Digital Solutions 

Michael Wheaton: Crafting Excellence Digital Transformation | Mr. Business Magazine
Digital Development:Website Design and DevelopmentWordPress Website DesignShopify Website Design Hosting Management Services 
Digital Marketing:SEOGoogle Analytics ServicesSocial MediaPaid Media CampaignsContent Strategy Email MarketingReview and Reputation Management
Digital Designing:E-Book DesignE-Mail Template DesignInfographics Exhibition and SignageEvent Marketing Agency 

From website development to marketing campaigns, Web Welders offer everything to thrive in the digital industry.

With diverse services, the company fulfills every digital necessity of an enterprise, resulting in gaining the trust of the giant partners in the market. 

A Team Work Exceeding Expectations

Michael Wheaton’s approach to team management centers on discovering client’s needs, often going beyond what they initially express. The process begins with an assessment meeting, utilizing a SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Going beyond the surface, Michael and his team actively listen, seeking the underlying goals and aspirations behind the client’s desires.

For instance, a client might approach them seeking a basic website refresh. Through insightful questioning and analysis, the team delves deeper. They understand that “basic” can be subjective, and a client might have hidden needs they haven’t yet articulated. Registration forms, newsletter signups, and social media management are all potential areas of need that Web Welder proactively explores.

The focus isn’t simply on fulfilling a stated request but on identifying and addressing the client’s entire digital ecosystem. Michael Wheaton emphasizes automation whenever possible, freeing up the client’s time and minimizing stress. His core principle is to make their job easier, not harder. This client-centric approach promotes trust and long-term partnerships, ensuring Web Welder’s success is built upon the success of its clients.

The Power of Storytelling

Michael recognizes content creation as the cornerstone of any successful digital strategy. He understands that simply launching a website is no longer enough. “Websites must be dynamic and engaging, constantly evolving to fulfill their mission,” he adds.

The initial step involves understanding the client’s vision. Why did they want a website in the first place? This focus on storytelling goes beyond simple information dissemination. Michael Wheaton leverages niche market segmentation to craft targeted narratives. For instance, non-profit organizations rely heavily on compelling stories to inspire donations and volunteerism.

Web Welder doesn’t just build websites but crafts narratives. Creating engaging content that resonates with the target audience and drives traffic towards the client’s desired outcome, be it donations, volunteer sign-ups, or event attendance. This approach facilitates dynamic connections and drives success for both Web Welder and the client.

From Roadblocks to Results

Michael and his team are adept at overcoming challenges in the fast-paced digital marketing industry. One key strategy is managing competing deadlines. Proposals often have built-in buffer periods, allowing for internal testing and adjustments before launch. Additionally, the company prioritizes projects based on urgency. For example, a hospital website takes priority over a non-profit site, as patient care is the top priority. Transparency is paramount – Michael Wheaton emphasizes clear communication, updating clients on project status and potential adjustments.

Web Welder also excels at adapting to unforeseen roadblocks. It understands that technical glitches are par for the course in digital marketing. The company is capable of discovering alternative solutions that can achieve the same desired result. For instance, when a particular code wouldn’t function on a specific platform, the company switched to a different code and completed the task. This resourcefulness ensures that Web Welder delivers results, even when faced with unexpected hurdles.

Measuring Success: Beyond the Clicks

At Web Welder, success isn’t just about website traffic – it’s about achieving the client’s goals. Michael Wheaton and his team utilize tools to measure the effectiveness of campaigns, whether in the form of increased donations, newsletter signups, or event registrations. They create custom dashboards to empower clients to monitor key metrics and understand how their digital presence is performing.

“We build more than just a website. We build a platform of marketing tools, a network of digital assets.”— Web Welder. 

Michael takes a result-oriented approach, exemplified by a recent project for a niche client segment. Instead of relying on traditional methods like email lists, Michael spearheaded the development of a geo-fencing component. This innovative technology pinpointed individuals entering a designated area and sent them targeted SMS text messages. These messages offered relevant information and directed users to a specific source website, resulting in a highly successful campaign. By focusing on conversions and real-world results, Web Welder ensures that their digital strategies deliver a measurable impact for their clients.

A Recipe for Success

Michael’s ability to understand and exceed client expectations is a hallmark of his achievements. In the food service industry, success is measured by the number of customers, not website traffic. Web Welder designed a website that exceeded expectations for a humble hot dog cart vendor.

Instead of a simple menu and location page, Michael Wheaton built an interactive website with games, coupons, and even hot dog history. This unexpected approach resonated with the owner and even caught the attention of a prominent radio personality – Warren Bryne was impressed by the website’s engaging nature and praised it live on air.

This success story fueled the launch of Diner Designer, a company dedicated specifically to the food service industry. Michael’s dual expertise in digital and traditional marketing proved invaluable. The hot dog cart website, featured in various publications, became a testament to Michael’s creativity. 

Competitors lined up for similar results, prompting Diner Designer to create 374 websites in its first year.

What began as a desire to help a single vendor turned into a thriving niche market success story. This unexpected journey, fueled by Michael Wheaton’s dedication and resourcefulness, solidified his reputation as a leader in the digital marketing sphere.

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