FAA Grants Clearance for Boeing 737 Max 9s to Resume Operations

FAA Grants Clearance for Boeing 737 Max 9s to Resume Operations | Mr. Business Magazine

“Nevertheless, let me emphasize that Boeing will not resume normal operations,” stated Boeing CEO David Calhoun. “We will not entertain any requests from Boeing for increased production or endorse additional production lines for the 737 Max until we are confident that the identified quality control issues have been addressed.”

During his meeting with Washington lawmakers, Calhoun found himself in a challenging position, defending the safety of Boeing’s planes just before learning about yet another investigation into the company.

Calhoun assured reporters on Capitol Hill, “We operate safe planes. We do not deploy aircraft that we do not have complete confidence in.” Recognizing passengers’ concerns, he expressed transparency and openness in explaining the company’s safety improvement efforts to lawmakers.

Peak into the Future:

Following the meeting, Senator Maria Cantwell, chair of the Senate Commerce Committee, announced plans for a future hearing to investigate Boeing’s safety record. She emphasized the need for Boeing to prioritize safety over profits and mentioned the ongoing commitment to quality and engineering.

The National Transportation Safety Board is also conducting an investigation into the recent Alaska Airlines incident. Boeing received mixed news as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved inspection criteria for the grounded 737 Max 9 planes, potentially allowing them to return to service. However, the FAA issued a stern warning and affirmed it would not authorize any production expansion for the 737 Max lineup during its ongoing safety probe of Boeing.

Despite the approval for the planes to return to the air, each of the 171 grounded aircraft must undergo inspections, including checks on bolts, fittings, and guide tracks. Boeing pledged full cooperation with the FAA and assured transparency in strengthening safety and quality measures.

Flight Cancellations:

Airlines, including Alaska and United, faced numerous cancellations due to the grounding, and the FAA’s approval brings relief. Boeing acknowledged the exhaustive review conducted by the FAA and expressed confidence in proceeding to the inspection and maintenance phase.

Alaska Airlines anticipates completing inspections in 12 hours, with the first 737 Max 9 plane expected to return to service on Friday. United Airlines received approval to return 79 Boeing 737 Max 9 planes to its fleet, with inspections set to be completed before resuming scheduled services starting Sunday. Despite the positive developments, FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker cautioned that Boeing is still under scrutiny and not yet out of the woods.

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