This AI Firm Aims to Assist You in Managing and Influencing Your Dreams.

Lucid Dreams: This AI Firm Aims to Assist You in Managing and Influencing Your Lucid Dreams | Mr. Business Magazine

Prophetic, a technology startup, is in the process of developing what is being described as the “world’s first wearable device designed to stabilize lucid dreams.” To create a prototype of this non-invasive device, referred to as the “Halo,” Prophetic has formed a partnership with Card79, the same company responsible for producing hardware for Elon Musk’s Neuralink.

In a previously unreported funding round, Prophetic managed to secure $1.1 million in funding, with participation from a16z’s Scout Fund and leadership from BoxGroup, a prominent VC fund known for its early investment in fintech company Plaid. The inception of Prophetic took place in March when Eric Wollberg and Wesley Berry, aged 29 and 27 respectively, crossed paths. Wollberg was exploring the use of lucid dreams for understanding consciousness, while Berry was collaborating with the musician Grimes on translating neural signals into art. Both were intrigued by the potential of brain-imaging tools in deciphering thought patterns.

These two co-founders established Prophetic that same month, with the aim of creating the world’s first wearable device designed to stabilize lucid dreams. The device takes the form of a headband that emits focused ultrasound signals.

Lucid dreams occur when individuals become aware that they are dreaming while asleep, potentially allowing them to control aspects of the dream. The startup’s partnership with Card79 for prototyping the non-invasive “Halo” device is significant, given Card79’s prior experience in hardware development for Neuralink, Elon Musk’s brain-computer interface company.

Prophetic’s venture into hardware comes at a time when several artificial intelligence companies are exploring the development of devices and wearables. Humane AI, founded by former Apple employees, recently introduced its wearable, the AI Pin, during Paris Fashion Week. Additionally, renowned iPhone designer Jony Ive and OpenAI’s Sam Altman are reportedly engaged in discussions about an AI hardware project.

Wollberg and Berry, serving as Prophetic’s CEO and Chief Technology Officer, respectively, plan to present a partially functional prototype either later this month or in early November. However, a comprehensive test of the prototype is expected to take place in the third or fourth quarter of 2024, following a year-long study on brain imaging conducted in collaboration with the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour at Radboud University in the Netherlands.

The Founders Bringing Your Lucid Dream to Life

The co-founders of Prophetic harbor ambitious aspirations typical of modern-era tech startups, likening their mission to that of OpenAI. They aspire to collectively advance the understanding of consciousness, as indicated by their LinkedIn page’s statement: “Prometheus stole fire from the gods, we will steal dreams from the prophets.” Nevertheless, despite their vision, Prophetic still faces a significant journey ahead of them, with plans to begin shipping devices in spring 2025, a year after unveiling a fully functional prototype.

Lucid dreaming through a headset has captivated both the general public and the neuroscience community for decades, leading to references in popular culture, including films like “The Matrix” and “Inception,” as well as a thriving Reddit community (r/LucidDreaming) with over 500,000 members. Scientific research into the subject dates back to the 1970s, but interest has surged with the expansion of cognitive neuroscience.

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